Astrochemistry books
Here you can find recent text books as well as chronologically ordered general books, proceedings and books on atomic and molecular spectroscopy and processes. Links to your own list of astrochemical books or personnel recommendations can be arranged (Please contact the Editor [click]).
Undergraduate level
- "Astrochemistry: From Astronomy to Astrobiology" by Andrew M. Shaw, Paperback: 352 pages, Publisher: Wiley (August 7, 2006). Online supplementary material available! Publisher Link

Graduate level
- "Physics and Chemistry of the Interstellar Medium" by Sun Kwok (2006) Publisher Link

Advanced level
- "The Physics and Chemistry of the Interstellar Medium" by Alexander Tielens Hardcover: 510 pages, Publisher: Cambridge University Press (August 2005). Publisher Link

- "Astrophysics of Gaseous Nebulae and Active Galactic Nucli", 2005 second edition, D.E. Osterbrock and G.J. Ferland (University Science, California) Publisher Link
- "The Physics and Chemistry of the Interstellar Medium", 2005, A.G.G.M. Tielens (Cambridge University Press) Publisher Link
- "Dust in the Galactic Environment", 2nd ed. 2003, D.C.B. Whittet (Taylor & Francis)
- "The Physics of the Interstellar Medium", 2nd edition, 1997 J.E. Dyson and D.A. Williams (IoP)
- "Galactic Interstellar Medium", 1992, eds. W.B. Burton, B.G. Elmegreen, R.Genzel, and D. Pfenniger (Springer) - OUT OF PRINT
- "Interstellar Processes", 1987, eds. D.J. Hollenbach and H.A. Thronson (Springer) Publisher Link
- "Physical Processes in the Interstellar Medium", 1978, L. Spitzer (Wiley, New York) Publisher Link
- "Protostars and Planets V", 2007, eds. B. Reipurth, D. Jewitt, K. Keil (University of Arizona, Tucson) Publisher Link
- "Astrochemistry: From Laboratory Studies to Astronomical Observations", 2006, eds R.I. Kaiser, P. Bernath, Y. Osamura, S. Petrie, A.M. Mebel, (AIP Conference Proceedings), p 324 Publisher Link
- "Astrochemistry: Recent Successes and Current Challenges", 2006, IAU Symposium 231 eds. D.Lis, G.A.Blake, E.Herbst (Cambridge University Press) Publisher Link
- "Chemical Evolution of the Universe", 2006, Faraday Discussion, No 133, (RSC Publishing) Publisher Link
- "The Astrophysics of Dust", 2004, eds. A.N. Witt, G.C. Clayton, and B.T. Draine, ASP conference series no. 309 (PASP)
- "Astromineralogy: Vol 609 (Lecture Notes in Physics)", 2003, ed. Thomas K. Henning, (Springer, Berlin). Publisher Link
- "The Cold Universe", 2003, A. Blain, F. Combes, & B. Draine (Springer). Saas-Fee advanced course 2002
- "Solid State Astrochemistry", 2003, V.Pirronello et al., NATO Science Series (Kluwer, Dortrecht) Publisher Link
- "The Dense Interstellar Medium in Galaxies", 2004, Proc. 4th Zermatt meeting, eds. S. Pfalzner et al. (Springer). Asymptotic Giant Branch Stars, 2003, eds. H.J. Habing & H. Olofsson (Springer) Publisher Link
- "Tetons 4: Galactic Structure, Stars, and the Interstellar Medium", 2001, eds. C.E. Woodward, M.D. Bicay, & J.M. Shull, ASP vol. 231 (San Francisco)
- "Astrochemistry: From Molecular Clouds to Planetary Systems", 2000, IAU Symposium 197 eds. Y.C. Minh & E.F. van Dishoeck (San Francisco: ASP)
- "Protostars and Planets IV", 2000, eds. V.G. Mannings, A. Boss, and S. Russell (University of Arizona, Tucson)
- "Formation and Evolution of Solids in Space", 1999, eds. J.M. Greenberg & A. Li, NATO-ASI series C-523 (Dordrecht: Kluwer)
- "Laboratory Astrophysics and Space Research", 1999, eds. P.Ehrenfreund et al., ASSL (Dordrecht: Kluwer)
- "The Origin of Stars and Planetary Systems", 1999, eds. C.J. Lada and N.D. Kylafis, NATO ASI (Kluwer, Dordrecht)
- "The Physics and Chemistry of the Interstellar Medium", 1999, Proc. 3rd Zermatt meeting, eds. V. Ossenkopf et al. (GCA Verlag, Herdecke) Conference Proceedings link
- "Chemistry and Physics of Molecules and Grains in Space", 1998, Faraday Discussion, No 109, (RSC Publishing)
- "The Molecular Astrophysics of Stars and Galaxies", 1998, eds. T.W. Hartquist and D.A. Williams (Oxford University Press)
- "From Stardust to Planetesimals", 1997, eds. Y. Pendleton and A.G.G.M. Tielens (ASP conference series 122)
- "Molecules in Astrophysics: Probes and Processes", 1997, IAU Symposium 178, ed. E.F. van Dishoeck (Kluwer, Dordrecht)
- "The Astrochemical Evolution of the Interstellar Medium", 1997, E.L.O. Bakes (Twin Press)
- "The Physics of the Interstellar Medium and Intergalactic Medium", 1995, eds. A. Ferrara et al. (ASP Conference series 80)
- "Dust and Chemistry in Astronomy", 1993, eds. T.J. Millar and D.A. Williams (IOP publishing, Bristol)
- "Astronomical Spectroscopy", 2005, J. Tennyson (World Scientific) Publisher Link
- "Spectra of Atoms and Molecules", 2nd ed. 2005, P.F. Bernath (Oxford University Press) Publisher Link
- "Modern Spectroscopy", 2004, J.M. Hollas (Wiley, New York, 4th edition) Publisher Link
- "Infrared Characteristic Group Frequencies", 2004, G. Socrates, 3rd edn. (Wiley, New York) Publisher Link
- "Basic Atomic and Molecular Spectroscopy", 2002, J.M. Hollas (RSC Publishing) Publisher Link
- "High Resolution Spectroscopy", 1998, 2nd ed., J.M. Hollas (Wiley) Publisher Link
- "Infrared and Raman Spectra of Inorganic and Co-ordination Coumpounds, Part I and II", 1997, K. Nakamoto (Wiley, New York) Publisher Link
- "Molecular Collisions in the Interstellar Medium", 1990, D. Flower, Cambridge Astrophysics Series nr. 17 (Cambridge University Press) Publisher Link
- "Molecules and Radiation", 1986, J.I. Steinfeld (Dover) Publisher Link
- "Microwave Molecular Spectra", 3rd ed. 1984, Walter Gordy, Robert L. Cook (Wiley) - OUT OF PRINT
- "The Infrared Spectra of Complex Organic Molecules", 1958, L.J. Bellamy, 2nd edn. (Wiley, New York) -- OUT OF PRINT
- "Microwave Spectroscopy", 1955, C.H. Townes and A.L. Schawlow (Dover, New York) - OUT OF PRINT
- "Molecular Spectra and Molecular Structure I-III", 1950, G. Herzberg (Krieger) Publisher Link
- "Handbook of Space Astronomy and Astrophysics", 2006, M.V. Zombeck (Cambridge University Press) Publisher Link